Showing posts from Posts category
Testing the latest Bicep Toys - Fail, Deployer and Graph
Bicep had lots of interesting features released in the past 3-5 months …
Tips - Deploying multiple Azure OpenAI models using Bicep
I was recently developing some Bicep code to deploy Azure OpenAI and a …
Bicep - Custom-tagged union data type
Recently while building a Bicep template, I faced a situation where I …
Tips - Get availability zones for an Azure region
Recently I was working on a Bicep project and I needed to find if a …
Continuously deploy your infrastructure via Bicep and azd
In this post, I will go through how the Azure Developer CLI (azd) can …
Crash test the resiliency of your zone-redundant solution!
Remember that time your app mysteriously tanked during peak traffic? …
Build your own custom copilot for Azure!!
Large language models (LLMs) taking the world by storm Large language …
Manage Defender for servers plans on a machine level!!
You can now manage Defender for servers plans on the resource level …
Build PowerShell notebooks using VScode and Polyglot
Notebooks are interactive files that allow you to mix executable code, …
Test your GitHub actions locally on your dev machine
I recently stumbled upon The “Act” project, this is a …
Do more with your Bicep code by using Deployment Scripts
Deployment scripts is a very interesting feature that allows you to …
Extended Security Updates via Azure Arc - Everything you need to know
As of October 10th, Windows Server 2012 will no longer be supported by …
Creating more re-usable bicep code using user-defined types
User-defined types is a new feature that allows you to define custom …
Tips - Bicep conditional modules
I was recently developing some Bicep modules and hit a very strange …
Continuous deployment using GitOps and Flux V2
I recently got involved into a project that involved using GitOps and …
Run GitHub Actions on your Kubernetes cluster
If you are working with GitHub Actions, you are re probably already …
Find service principals with privileged roles
As more and more organizations adopt cloud computing, the use of Azure …
Optimize cost with Virtual Machine Scale Set Spot Mix
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) are a way to create and manage …
Azure Policy gradual rollout with resource selectors
Remember in the old days when using group policy on-premises, you had …
Migrating to the Azure Monitor agent - Part 2
The Azure Monitor agent (AMA) is the agent replacing all of Azure …
Migrating to the Azure Monitor agent - Part 1
The Azure Monitor agent (AMA) is the agent replacing all of Azure …
Azure Naming Tool
While working with lots of customers helping them to increase the …
Am I being attacked?!
Recently there has been some new tools introduced in Microsoft …
Estimate your Infrastructure-as-code costs before deploying
I recently stumbled on a very useful API called Infracost, that allows …
Improving your security posture with Governance Rules
Microsoft Defender for Cloud analyzes your resources on a regular …
SSH into your Azure Arc-enabled servers from anywhere
A new capability has been introduced for Azure Arc-enabled servers …
Make your GitHub profile stand-out!
If you work in technology whether you are a developer, an IT pro a …
Adding a user interface to your ARM templates
Have you ever deployed a complex ARM template with multiple parameters …
Discover configuration changes across your Azure Environment
Azure Resource Graph is a very useful service on Azure that allows you …
Secure Azure Arc servers onboarding using Conditional Access
One of the most common methods of onboarding servers to Azure Arc is …
Azure Arc Onboarding using Endpoint Configuration Manager
Azure Arc-enabled servers allows you to project your hybrid servers …
Re-usable Bicep modules using Azure Container Registry
Build re-usable Bicep modules Bicep enables you to organize your …
Deploying an ARM template using Azure Monitor Workbooks
In a previous post, i talked about Azure Monitor Workbooks and how …
Automate non-Azure servers with Azure Arc-enabled servers
Azure Arc-enabled servers allows you to project your hybrid servers …
Automatic start/stop of virtual machines to save cost - V2
The cloud gives you infinite scale and scalability, and with this …
A better way to enable Azure Defender
Azure Defender is Azure’s cloud workload protection tool ,it …
The ultimate guide to the new Azure Monitor Agent
When looking at monitoring virtual machines using Azure Monitor , you …
Deploy Azure App Services anywhere using Azure Arc
At the date of this post, Azure has 60+ regions around the world where …
Azure Migrate - Modernize your applications during migration
Overview It was recently announced that the Azure Migrate program has …
Continuous delivery to Azure using Bicep and GitHub actions
Infrastructure-as-code with Bicep and GitHub actions Bicep has been a …
Planning a new Windows 10 build with Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams as a platform Microsoft teams has grown to be the …
Experimenting with Windows Virtual Desktop and Orchestration groups
What we will do is as follows: Create an Azure function that will …
Azure, Microsoft Graph and Endpoint Analytics for better Windows 10 user experience
The change to how we work Over the past few months, the way we work …