Discover configuration changes across your Azure Environment

Azure Resource Graph is a very useful service on Azure that allows you to query at scale your resources and their properties with complex filtering to help you properly govern your environment. It was recently announced that currently in preview, you can query and discover changes in your Azure resources and their properties.

This capability would allow you to answer questions like :

  • What new resources have been created/deleted in this subscription in the past 24 hours?
  • What is the last change that happened on this web application and what properties were changed?
  • Show me all the changes that happened in the past day.

In this post, I will give this new capability a spin by creating a workbook to show the number of changes in the selected subscription(s) and then drilling down to understand what exactly has changed.

Workbook creation

First things first, I will add some parameters to make my workbook reusable.

Screenshot showing two parameters in the workbook

Subscription parameter to select one or more subscriptions to query changes

Screenshot showing editing the subscription parameter

Time range parameter to select the needed time frame to query resource configuration changes

Screenshot showing editing the time range parameter

Next, I will add a new Azure Resource Graph query to get all the changes that happened in the selected subscription and during the selected time frame.

| extend changeTime = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp),
changeType = tostring(properties.changeType), changeCount = tostring(properties.changeAttributes.changesCount)
| where changeTime {TimeRange:value}
| summarize count() by changeType

Screenshot showing editing the azure resource graph query

We can see that the time range parameter is “Last hour” and it’s referenced in the query to only query the resource changes during that time. The number of changes is visible with the actual change happening, but let’s make it more appealing, changing the visualization to Tiles.

Screenshot showing the azure resource graph query with tiles visualization

Now, we want to be able to click on any of those tiles and get more detailed information about the changes. Going into the query Advanced settings to export the “changeType” parameter for later use.

Screenshot showing exporting a parameter in the query settings

Next, to make use of this exported parameter, I will add a new Azure Resource Graph query to get more details about the change that happened based on the selected change type in the above query.

| extend changeTime = todatetime(properties.changeAttributes.timestamp), targetResourceId = tostring(properties.targetResourceId),
changeType = tostring(properties.changeType), correlationId = properties.changeAttributes.correlationId, 
changedProperties = properties.changes, changeCount = properties.changeAttributes.changesCount, resourceType=tostring(properties.targetResourceType)
| where changeType == "{argChanges}" and changeTime {TimeRange:value}
| project changeTime, resourceType,targetResourceId, changeType, correlationId, changeCount, changedProperties

Screenshot showing an azure resource graph query

I will make it only visible if we click on any of the changes in the above query.

Screenshot showing editing the azure resource graph query

The final workbook, should look like this:

Screenshot showing workbook after editing

Testing the workbook

I will create a scenario where we have a storage account with some images that developers are using to design an application. All of a sudden, they cannot access the images anymore.

Images access working fine ✅

Screenshot showing a working storage account blob retrieval

Images access broken ❎

Screenshot showing a not working storage account blob retrieval

Using the workbook created, we can see that there is an Update change that happened in the last 15 minutes.

Screenshot showing an update change in the workbook

By drilling into this change we can see that the allowBlobPublicAccess property was changed to “false” which explains why the developers lost access.

Screenshot showing the allowPublicAccess property change

Going into the storage account properties, we can indeed the setting changed to block public access.

Screenshot showing the allowPublicAccess property change


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