PowerShell Conference Europe (PSConfEU) 2024

I had an incredible opportunity to participate and deliver two sessions in the PowerShell Conference Europe (PSConfEU) 2024 during the month of June in the city of Antwerp. This is a community-driven event established back in 2016, and Europe’s largest PowerShell conference. With about 300 automation experts from 35 countries meeting 45 world class speakers, and some members of Microsoft’s Engineering teams, the annual event is an opportunity for IT Professionals and developers to connect, learn and share on PowerShell and automation topics, bringing home new insights.

My sessions

Azure Arc Unleashed: Engage, Learn, and Master: Co-presented with my colleague Jan Egil Ring we delivered a 90-minutes follow-along session where we talked about the value of Azure Arc, the Azure Arc Jumpstart project and how to leverage it’s content and lots of hands-on demos.

Azure Verified Modules (AVM): The format of this session was really fun where I needed to deliver a topic using exactly 20 slides with exactly 20 seconds per slide. In this session, I talked about what is AVM, why was it created, what value does it bring and how to start using it whether you are using Bicep or Terraform.

My experience

The event was incredible with lots of very informative and interesting sessions. The cool thing is that all sessions are recorded and posted on YouTube. I highly recommend watching this year’s and previous year’s recordings, you will definitely learn a thing or two.


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